Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!

2 Cor. 5:17

What is Chrysalis?

Chrysalis is a three-day spiritual renewal retreat for 10th-12th graders. It provides an opportunity for students to learn more about faith, to experience Christian love and support, and to make new faith commitments. Developed as a youth expansion of the Emmaus movement in 1984, the goal is to inspire, challenge and equip students for a closer friendship with Christ and for Christian action at home, church, school, and community.

Theology of Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis Flights

The Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis is grounded theologically and institutionally in The Upper Room ministry unit of the General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church. However, they are both ecumenical. The programs invite and involve the participation of Christians of many denominations. Emmaus is ecumenical not only because members of many denominations participate, but because Emmaus seeks to foster Christian unity and to reinforce the whole Christian community. This is one of the great strengths and joys of the Emmaus movement.The fact that Emmaus is ecumenical does not mean it is theologically indifferent. On the contrary, The Walk to Emmaus is designed to communicate with confidence and depth the essentials of the Christian life, while accentuating those features that Christians have traditionally held in common. The Upper Room Walk to Emmaus is a tightly designed event that is conducted with discipline according to a manual that is universally standard. Emmaus is offered only with the permission and under the guidelines of The Upper Room. This ensures a proven format and a common experience that should be trustworthy from weekend to weekend wherever Emmaus is being offered.   Each community is administered locally through its local Board of Directors. The program is administered globally through the International Emmaus office in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

Is Chrysalis for me?

Chrysalis Flights are open to members of any Christian denomination and for the development of Christian leaders who:

  • Have a desire to strengthen their spiritual lives
  • May have unanswered questions about their faith
  • Understand that being a Christian involves responsibility
  • Are willing to dedicate their everyday lives to God in an ongoing manner

What to expect on a Chrysalis Flight

Chrysalis is a three-day spiritual renewal filled with singing, learning, laughing, worshiping, reflecting, praying, and participating in small groups. Chrysalis Flights are groups by gender and typically take place at a local school or church. Discussions center around the theme of God’s grace, how that grace comes alive in the Christian community, and how it is expressed in the world. Students also discover how grace is real in everyday life, how to live a life of grace, and how to bring that grace to others.    

Students have the opportunity to participate in the daily celebration of Holy Communion and to understand more fully the body of Christ. They also experience God’s grace through the prayers and acts of anonymous service offered by the Chrysalis community. Students leave with an experience of Christian love in action that will equip them for new levels of grace-filled service and leadership.

After Chrysalis

Chrysalis Weekends only last three days, but students have the opportunity to walk closer with Christ for the rest of their lives - the Fourth Day.

Those who attend a Chrysalis Weekend are encouraged to:

1. Expand their own spiritual lives through worship, study, and active participation in their local church.

2. Become more active disciples of Christ in service to the world.

The Chrysalis movement offers specific opportunities to continue this journey:

Groups of four to six people meet weekly to reflect on their spiritual journey and encourage one another in accountable discipleship. Monthly community gatherings where Chrysalis participants meet for fellowship, worship, and instruction. Community members are regularly informed of the support needs of upcoming Chrysalis weekends and other opportunities for servant leadership.